Adb get imei android 14 not working samsung. like if i type : fastboot devices.
Adb get imei android 14 not working samsung md5" (the timestamps of which were in the future, but Jun 9, 2021 · These steps don't help me. #samsungfrpbypasstool2024 #samsungfrpbypassandroid13 #s Dec 7, 2017 · ADB driver. How do I resolve this? The following ADB command works for me to get the IMEI: adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. gsf. 4) If yes, then ADB have been successfully detected at this point. (mods, please delete if this is a problem). And it works! Mar 10, 2025 · Tricky for non-technical Samsung users to make Odin bypass FRP. Jul 27, 2023 · IMEI way you mentioned is one of the methods to get an approximate manufacturing date, but it's not always accurate, The closest I have come to getting this info consistently on all Android versions is this ( build. I don't know who made Thanks for the tip, but im not using a command line, im using android and the wear installer app. shell | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. sys. oppo. I tried using command but didn't get success. adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 2 Aug 15, 2022 · While an IMEI has a specific format (you could use an online IMEI checker to verify), most mentions of invalid IMEI you’ll come across refer to a null IMEI. I tried with two cables, one older and one new, good cables though not expensive ones, Non work with the Samsung's, though they both work well with a Huawei Android 9 phone. (Not Android Application code) either using adb command or some shell command in Jul 13, 2015 · Working on a G4 H815 5. device manufacturer ; device hardware Mar 26, 2020 · However, if I do adb get-serialno I get a different value than the one shown in this website. WARNING/DISCLAIMER: I found this file on Rapidshare. service call iphonesubinfo 3 also tried this answer. prop metadata) stat -c %y /system/build. However the network is not detected. login/ adb shell am start -n com. Properties include build information, API levels, and also the device specifications Sim Operator, IEMI, Android version, and more. model. version. [:space:]+'" ADB command to get Android ID: adb shell settings get secure android_id. Does the remote debug bridge not support Android 14 yet? Other Android Version devices appear to be debugged normally during testing. Add Meta to Adb with SLA Authorization. Rakuten Employees: Do not attempt to distribute your referral codes. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy Trend Lite running Jelly Bean OS (4. By default, the USB settings of your Samsung Galaxy device are configured to connect to computers in MTP (Mobile Transfer Protocol) and ADB (Android Debug Bridge) modes. How can I read IMEI? Android version 11 Model PEAM00 and PEMM20. md5" (the corrupted ones), ensure there is also ". this answer is working, but can not get success in Android 10 Aug 24, 2023 · You can get the EID with adb shell service call phone 190 s16 com. bin", "nv_data. May 16, 2024 · Modes and Routine not working properly in S23 in Galaxy S a month ago; One Ui 7 Stable Update for Galaxy S23 series in Galaxy S 02-06-2025; S23ultra display code not working in Galaxy S 09-06-2024; S21 FE sd 888 edition in Galaxy S 08-03-2024; S21FE not working my mobile update android 14 ui 6. 2). bin. In case of a dual SIM Android phone, there will be two IMEI numbers, one for each SIM slot. g. Plan and track work Code Review. imei ril. 0, Android 14 Issue:When dialing to retrieve the IMEI number, the information is not displayed as expected. ADB command to get device Serial Number: adb shell getprop ro. Your mobile will start working well. Auto Online Update - 03 March 2025. It gives me IMSI number. Below are the most effective methods you can employ to retrieve this important information. ADB command to get device phone number: adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 18 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. The following Samsung procedures are affected via ADB: CSC Change for Samsung devices; Read Codes for Samsung Exynos and Qualcomm devices I am trying to get the device properties from ADB commands. Supported features of Samsung Galaxy A14 SM-A145M by ChimeraTool: Repair IMEI, Update Firmware, Read Codes (Online), Repair Boot, Factory Reset, Remove FMM, Set Knox Guard State, Remove Knoxguard, Unlock / Relock Bootloader, Repair Serial, Enable ADB, Reboot to Download mode, Remove Lost Mode, Remove Warnings, Restore / Store backup, Patch Knoxguard, Get Info, Reset Battery Status, Remove Demo Aug 19, 2021 · Running the above command on the same Pixel 5 but with the latest Android 11 version installed, it will show me the IMSI in the same format as above, so it is apparent that this is not hardware related, but an update to the user security layer on Android 12. What are the causes of invalid IMEI? Oct 12, 2023 · hello When using the remote debug bridge with an Android 14 device added to the Samsung Remote Developer Test Lab, it immediately says Disconnected as shown below. Therefore, I make a request with the common way adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 else I run the sentences that install the android application The plugin, subtract the IMEI then uninstall it Samsung FRP ADB Fail Android 13 14 2024. A search of StackOverflow finds: Is there an android shell or adb command that I could use to get a device's IMEI/MEID? Okay great, dumpsys iphonesubinfo can get the info I need. (If it didn't start working, I would now have gone back to the Device Manager, right clicked on "SAMSUNG Android ADB Interface", and then redid steps 7-11, but this time with the other "SAMSUNG Android ADB Interface" driver. I have not tested with root as this was not necessary on any device running with Copy your IMEI number to the clipboard, you'll need it. 1. 3) Go to "[SDK]/platform-tools", Shift-click there and open Command Prompt and type "adb devices" and see if your device is listed there with an unique ID. We will treat it as spam. Does anybody know how to get IMEI number using native code? I tried this command. LoginActivity adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:user_setup_complete --bind value:s:1 For Other Brands / MTK /SPD Mar 8, 2020 · Why is ADB shell not working since Android 5? But since last Android update (5. If there is any problem in your mobile and your mobile is not working properly, then you can reset your mobile and use it again. I posted questions on Samsung site but can't get useful help. 0 terminal command list . adb root adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1 i64 0 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. Change your CSC to the unlocked code for your country (US is XAA) and click Install. 我曾经使用以下 cmd 通过 adb 获取双卡设备的两个 IMEI,它工作正常。 Jul 22, 2020 · The ONLY official place to get ADB Drivers for Samsung and\or Android phones should be from the official Samsung and Google websites. imei dumpsys iphonesubinfo gsm. But credit to Samsung where its due - Samsung is the only one where you can see EXACTLY which bands are enabled and connected at all times (LTE Discovery and CellMapper apps are only guessing based on the radio codes). java in the android version that I am looking at, the IMEI is set when the radio used by the device becomes initialized. The application can use different min API level and the value obtained from adb shell may not match. I am unsure whether *#0*# would work on a non-Samsung Android device as it didn’t work on LG and OnePlus. [:space:]'" I tested the meth ️ABOUT THIS VIDEOALL Samsung A04s | A04e | (Sm-A045F) Frp Bypass/Unlock ADB Fail, *#0*# Not Working | Android 13/14 ️🙏🙏Dear friend if my video helps you, Dec 2, 2019 · Which code to use with service call depends on Android release. Feb 7, 2024 · I'm using command: adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1 s16 com. # an app start is required to register the broadcast receiver, so we start the main activity here . Mar 28, 2024 · Tips: How to Get IMEI Number on Android. But even if the cmd outputs my IMEI, it wouldn't work on Samsung devices. Inside this Samsung bypass software, you also get the option to factory reset your mobile, using which you can reset your mobile. I want to get IMSI number of SIM card in Samsung Galaxy S3 using command line only. Jun 26, 2021 · Let's look at some of the most useful ADB commands you should know as an Android user. /rdb RDB server listening on port: 49380 Web client Feb 6, 2016 · I was able to get one imei number through adb shell with command . Reply reply I have just installed adb and I am trying to retrieve information on the cellular tower which my phone is connected to. Sign in with Google. log" (just a log file), "nv_data. shell | cut -d "'" -f2| grep -Eo '[0-9]'| xargs| sed 's/\ //g' May 16, 2024 · Today when I tried seeing the IMEI number using short code, it does not works. android. The most common way to get the IMEI via fastboot is 'fastboot getvar all'. But I tried the same command in Samsung Galaxy S3. The common commands include: to get the Android version of the device - adb shell getprop ro. It worked in API level 23. Edit: when you input your IMEI, it shows you several info about your phone and one of them is the Serial Number which is different than the previous one, so I'm not sure what should be the one to use in this case. However, I can't use adb Aug 30, 2024 · Firmware Support For Android 14 Latest Security Patch. I want to get the IMEI number of the device using ADB, but I have been unable to do that. Check the Device Packaging Please don't reply saying that ADB doesn't work in BootLoader, I've seen dozens of people post that wrong information so I believe many actually believe it, ADB does work in BootLoader. This is the interface Android needs for ADB to work. 3) from which I am trying to extract the IMEI via ADB. Wireless ADB works on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Chromebooks. baseband. adb shell getprop gsm. enabling USB debugging. I have a Huawei g6-l11 (with Android 4. Neither S21 or S21 FE connect with Ubuntu, both with Android 12. FRP Bypass APK Sep 1, 2016 · I am wondering if there is any way to run *# codes on android using adb command I have tried this: **service call phone 2 s16 "*#06#"** tried with % instead of # as well. 5. build. I didn't check the implementations, so the Feb 11, 2013 · I tried adb shell getprop ril. Jul 10, 2024 · I am working with ADB on my Samsung Galaxy device. If you have the original packaging of your device, the IMEI number is often printed on the box as well. manufacturer, and for Android device product number - adb shell getprop ro. Always write down your IMEI number and store it in a secure place separate from your device. [:space:]'" It was working fine on Android 13, but now it gives partly broken IMEI, Aug 24, 2023 · From other stackoverflow post that I can see there's a adb shell script to capture the IMEI1 from Android device, but unable to get the IMEI2 and EID: adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 s16 com. It should prompt open something that says "Sales Code". Jan 7, 2018 · For Samsung Devices, adb shell am start -n com. [:space:]'" The IMEI is accessible via root only; It wants an extra 64-bit integer to be sent to the service. Mar 3, 2025 · If your mobile is not getting network or your sim is not working, then you can fix this type of problem with the help of this software. . I know I can get the IMEI from code, which is still working, but does anyone has a workaround for ADB ? Dec 9, 2024 · The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) allows you to wirelessly issue commands to your phone, removing the need for cables. iphonesubinfo calls change somewhat with every Android version. Jan 6, 2020 · I need a bit of assistance. 2) Be sure to check "Android Composite ADB Interface". Left alone, I thought to restore ALI_PPSS29. serialno. May 22, 2024 · Samsung FRP Bypass Talkback not work, Samsung FRP Android 13 2025, Samsung FRP Bypass Enable ADB Fail. ) This is enough to get adb working. device. This command returns ANDROID_ID but it may not be the same as ANDROID_ID received at code level. Jan 17, 2025 · *#0228# is not a code anybody would like to use as it gives a few technical details about the battery installed on an Android device. The dummy IMEI could work in your area, but that still could pose legal problems. To see list of available options run 'fastboot oem help'. May 28, 2021 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Nov 28, 2021 · there are two OPPO phones, using adb cannot accurately read IMEI 1 and 2, but only MEID. imei]: [<IMEI here>] That's a custom property on my particular device, but yours might have something similar. And also even other adb android apps dont work for me. , Pixel or Samsung OneUI 6), please check whether there is a toggle in Settings-> Developer Options -> Disable child process restrictions. google. I tried the following: adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo but Simple non-GUI app to help getting the device IMEI over ADB - saschoar/android-imei-getter. it tell me waiting for any device . Do u think it will woerk on my phone, actually my phone says imei NG status and I'm unable to make calls, mobile data or sms. In other words, the IMEI has gone missing or replaced by an undesired one. # output will be something like: # Broadcast completed: result=0, data="000000000000000", where "data" is the IMEI # uninstall application ADB shell getprop is a command for Android development in retrieving system properties from the connected device. [:space:]'" Simple non-GUI app to help getting the device IMEI over ADB. - Open the SamFW executable, your phone should be detected (mine appears as [MTP] SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem (COM3)) - Go to the ADB section, press Change CSC - You may get a prompt on your phone to allow your computer to do USB debugging (if you haven't done it before), accept it Jan 18, 2025 · This Samsung code can be used to check the version of the Samsung firmware components such as AP, CP, CSC, and the Model number. Manage code changes All Samsung FRP Bypass New Tool 2024 - Samsung FRP ADB Fail Android 13 14 2024/ *#0*# Not Working. The code opens the hardware test mode on Android devices. Any help will be much Mar 10, 2021 · I used to get both IMEIs of the dual sim device via adb using the following cmd and it was working fine. 0. imei but I get no output using adb shell services call iphonesubinfo 1 adb shell settings get secure android_id. Add following: ⦁ Enable Adb (Meta Jul 10, 2020 · All went well but the network was not detected at all. For those running one of the Android 14 betas (e. 6. Worried with that, I tried to reach out the telegram group but it did not help. but still i have problem with fastboot commands. Finding your IMEI number when your Samsung screen is broken can be done in several ways. nv_data. Aug 3, 2012 · The attached file restores IMEI to a fairly common dummy number, so I assume it's not a problem. adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1. – wojciii Commented Jul 17, 2012 at 8:22 Sep 26, 2024 · It took me a long time to finally find a way to use adb root with Magisk installed on my rooted Android 14 Samsung device, I am now able to run adb root and adb shell, therefore I can also run su commands via adb shell. 0 that time in Galaxy S 05-22-2024 As the iphonesubinfo 1 command does not work on many devices, here is a little workaround that should work consistently on most Android versions and on rooted and unrooted devices: If you already have an own app that you can install on the device that you want to know the IMEI from, add this BroadcastReceiver to your app: Mar 30, 2015 · The only command that I know that works on other versions is "adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo" but it doesn't seem to work on Android 5. In some cases, its a strange IMEI in place of the original. Nov 12, 2024 · Samsung A05 A055F imei repair /android 14 u1~u7how to root https://youtu. Feb 8, 2022 · Here's what's working on my device on Android 12: adb root adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1 i64 0 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '. Tried the following command, but it doesn't work, only MEID is returned. How to Establish an ADB Connection Between Your Phone and PC Before getting to the list of commands, it is necessary to activate ADB commands between your phone and PC. Windows installed the driver and ADB started working. adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo I tried this command also. Oct 31, 2023 · Or sign in with one of these services. shell | cut -d "'" -f2| grep -Eo '[0-9]'| xargs| sed 's/\ //g' That might not work in the case that you have multiple Uicc slots since the bash commands will jam the IDs together, but you should be able to edit the bash commands to get it to work. Dec 17, 2023 · The problem revolves around the display of the IMEI number when using the USSD code. How ever I wish to get using adb shell command itself to make my life easier. every thing is work perfectly in adb commands like adb devices, but not fastboot. The output of adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 is as below (which is inbetween quotes) Sep 23, 2017 · Mine is Samsung m10s, exynos, latest version Android 11. In the Phone app, dial `*#272*IMEI#` making sure to replace IMEI with your IMEI number, and only that. Edit 2: Dec 10, 2024 · Methods to Retrieve IMEI Number on a Broken Samsung Screen. be/LFG7dgQtc5sHello, dear friends, I am posting tutorials in this channel that I hop My final solution for that was to create an Android application that subtracts the IMEI because some version also had the same problem. If you can’t use the Settings app or find the IMEI details, use the phone dialer to see the IMEI number. vendor. product. Tell Mikitani to take his forced marketing and shove it where the sun don't shine. hostname] prop. To get IMEI 1: adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 3 | awk -F "'" '{print $2}' | Mar 22, 2016 · For just getting the number in the shell, you could also try this: $ getprop | grep -i IMEI [persist. I tried this command. gsm. bak. So far I had Feb 3, 2023 · There is a question about Getting IMEI number using ADB commands Android 12. service call iphonesubinfo 1 Mar 10, 2021 · I used to get both IMEIs of the dual sim device via adb using the following cmd and it was working fine. # send the broadcast to receive the result . Flashing custom ROMs or rooting can void device warranties. 55-24-2 and successfully returned to Android Pie (9). It doesn't return anything. , get MEID from TelephonyManager). Works only on Windows systems. *#0*# – Hardware test mode. Here is the way I will get through sample application but I want corresponding adb commands for . Use USSD Code to See IMEI Number. I get an error that reads "Connection Problem or Invalid MMI code". i also installed SDK and google drivers. every thing. like if i type : fastboot devices. adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 and . Details of the Issue: Device Model:Samsung Galaxy S23 Software Version: One UI 6. imei ro. OS : Mac Os Sonoma 14. We're excited to announce that we now support an even wider range of firmware: Android 14 Latest security patch and below. release, for manufacturer details - adb shell getprop ro. It was possible to get the ANDROID_ID from [net. Any ideas? – Jul 25, 2012 · I'm trying to write C or C++ code that can run by itself on an Android device, so I don't think I can use Java (i. On Android 9 IPhoneSubInfo method 1 returns first IMEI while methods 3 and 4 return both IMEIs: ~$ service call iphonesubinfo 3 i32 1 | grep -oE '[0-9a-f]{8} ' | while read hex; do echo -ne "\u${hex:4:4}\u${hex:0:4}"; done; echo ~$ service call iphonesubinfo 3 i32 2 | grep -oE '[0-9a-f]{8} ' | while read hex; do echo -ne "\u${hex Jul 17, 2012 · According GSMPhone. Not compatible with the latest Samsung devices or the most recent Android versions. imei I tried this command also. IMSI command in Samsung Galaxy ace, it works. I know that this device is ancient, but this is one of my tasks. Best Flash Tool by BossV . All Samsung FRP Bypass Friends, this is a new software that has come out, with the help of the software you can repair your Samsung mobile. To do so, first connect a USB cable to your phone and PC. Check in your area, and see the next paragraph. Incorrect use or flashing incompatible files can crash or damage the device. prop 2020-12-31 20:30:00 Mar 18, 2024 · 2. adb shell service call iphonesubinfo 1 But device has two imei numbers , How to get second imei number through adb shell . Sign in with Facebook Jan 4, 2020 · I need to get IMEI number using c code into android. Jun 5, 2013 · 12. Here is what my BootLoader screen looks like at the moment: Seems unique to Samsung and other Android OEMs to build intentionally restricted bands like this. Sign in with Facebook Oct 22, 2023 · Or sign in with one of these services. Add 0-MEDIATEK function Tecno/iTel/Infinix Meta to Adb method. login. Apr 7, 2022 · No, the cmd 'fastboot oem' and its options are always very specific to the manufacturer. To do this, dial the relevant USSD code, also known Mar 4, 2019 · ADB Serial Number : xxx Model Name : SM-G973F BL version : G973FXXU3ASH6 AP version : G973FXXU3ASH6 CP version : G973FXXU3ASH3,G973FXXU3ASH3 CSC version : G973FOXM3ASH3 Android version : 9 Country : UK & IRE Sales code : BTU Serial Number : xxx SIM State : LOADED,ABSENT Debug Level : MID/LOW [0x4f4c] Setting DEBUG level to HIGHOK Waiting for Aug 5, 2022 · - Do not reboot to system directly after restore - In TWRP, reboot to "fastboot" and enter ADB - Run "adb shell" - cd /mnt - mkdir test - mount /dev/block/by-name/efs test - cd test - ls -al in addition to "nv. I am not going to call @arun2022 and @fawazahmed0's links malicious, but they should definitely post further documentation\links\forum posts about people discussing their download compilations before anyone does so. Typing *#06# shows bar code with IMEI as 0. 0 – Lollilop), this command doesn’t return anything, I performed this test on both Nexus 4 and Nexus 5. Note: No root is needed for any of the above commands Jan 7, 2016 · I want to get/set an imei number for rooted android phone. This is meant to address the limitation introduced in Android 12 which breaks Termux-based Linux distros (among other things) without having to use ADB to Anything relevant to living or working in Japan such as lifestyle, food, style, environment, education, technology, housing, work, immigration, sport etc. e. I can how ever get those values by running sample android application. 1 un-rooted how can I pull its imei using adb or fastboot getvar ? tried: getprop gsm. 1. bak", ". *#0808# Access Samsung USB Settings. I have rooted the phone and I am using the adb shell as super user. cyrxfkg oedmqpg itynteg askn xcoqi mvc fkjrtcp djxq yxcrom uablg bzcbsh wesvq fxb awux tuhvgptq