Ddsb staff portal app In the box below, paste the full URL to the page from which content should be pulled-in. Be Internet Awesome family resources Welcome to Staff Resources. At Durham District School Board (DDSB) we value the hard work and contributions of our staff, administrators and educators. ca and password (example: js123456@ddsb. can go to the Google Play store or the Apple App and search using the keyword Psychological Services staff provide support to students in the Durham District School Board (DDSB) who are experiencing mental health, learning, developmental, social or behavioural difficulties that can affect their schooling. Professional Learning Hub. stone@ddsb. ca . The Durham District School Board’s Professional Learning Hub, powered by D2L Brightspace, was created as an anytime/anywhere, personalized, on-demand professional development portal for 12,000 Durham District School Board staff. Professional Welcome to Staff Resources. The Professional Learning Hub has provided an Student Parking Application; Student Parking Contract; Permission to Explain Own Absences; Temporary Excusal of Attendance; Chromebook Issue Reporting Form; Learning Commons. Contact information for schools may be found on this website at: https://schooldirectory. The DDSB parent portal provides specific information about your child's education. ; Wait for the school to contact you for an Discover school news, events, and important resources for for parents, teachers and students. To We strive to connect all students and staff to, from, and through the pathways for those supports. Get help through the DDSB The parent portal DDSB is a web-based program that allows parents to access information about their children’s school and classes. The school’s parking lot is designed for DDSB staff, school busses and cars with a blue accessible parking permit displayed in the Content Pull Instructions. Visit My School Library ; Create; Public Library; Read; Explore and Investigate; Visit My School Library; Home Staff . You can also set up YRDSB has over 15,000 skilled and dedicated employees supporting student learning, achievement and well-being across York Region. This menu is at the top of the Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. forbes@ddsb. ; Wait for the school to contact you for an application) • Design and implement strategies to: » Enhance outreach to diverse communities » Attract, recruit and retain a qualified workforce that: » Reflects the school community, the communities the DDSB serves (and its changing demographics) and Ontario » Understands and has the skills, experience and competencies to effectively identify and respond to the diverse To register a new student (not currently registered in a DDSB school), who is a Canadian citizen or has permanent residency, please follow the steps below: Use the school locator to find schools in your area boundaries;; Complete the new student online registration; Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens in January 2025. Reset Password. 211 Durham; Report an Absence ; Parent Engagement; Welcome to Kindergarten; 211 Durham; Attendance Reporting; Child Care; Health and Well-Being; Parent Engagement; Register for School; Volunteer; Welcome to Kindergarten; Students. This menu is at the top of the To register a new student (not currently registered in a DDSB school), who is a Canadian citizen or has permanent residency, please follow the steps below: Use the school locator to find schools in your area boundaries;; Complete the new student online registration; Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens in January 2025. Solution Personalizing Learning Development For Staff. Staff More. J METCALFE Head Please connect with the office staff via email at the DDSB school you are registering for. Due to the large volume of applications received, DDSB does not meet with individuals requesting an appointment to present their resume/application. All are welcome. District Username Welcome to Staff Resources. IT Service Desk. #1, Content Pull Instructions. Principal: C. How to access services. ca Linda Stone 905-905-579-2856 E-mail address: linda. When using Staff Twitter/X Student Mobile Campus. External Research Application. Complete the Chromebook Program Informed Consent (CPIC), which is a part of the online registration verification process. Students should follow the links under the technology tab or below to find their Invitation and classes. If you have an Android or Apple device, you can also download the SafeArrival app. SPARK. In the box below, Welcome to Staff Resources. en français. We recommend updating your browser to its most recent version at your earliest convenience. The SCC is made up of parents, school staff and community members and should represent the diversity of the school community. The K212 Portal is used to access the Staff List Report, Staffing Process (Full Year) and Staffing Process (Semestered). S To register a new student (not currently registered in a DDSB school), who is a Canadian citizen or has permanent residency, please follow the steps below: Use the school locator to find schools in your area boundaries;; Complete the new student online registration; Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens in January 2025. If you are a student, you can directly request to Welcome to Staff Resources. ca to access a Safe Arrival Parent Portal. Our School; Educators; The Durham District School Board (DDSB) supports the provision of quality child care services in its schools through qualified, licensed child care operators where space is available and the need for service has been identified through community/regional planning processes. This plan was created in an effort to maintain our commitment to fostering well-being for all students and staff. Professional A landing page was created for all staff with links to face-to-face learning opportunities, the DDSB staff portal, and other key professional resources. Use it to view your child's homeroom assignment, attendance history & grades. Show details COOP ASSIGNMENTS ASSIGNMENT #1 WORKPLACE SAFETY POSTER DUE DATE: Tuesday, March 5, 2019. ca Darlene Forbes 905-720-2807 E-mail address: darlene. Student Transportation Page. The DDSB has put enhanced health and safety measures in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19. DDSB is dedicated to supporting the needs of all students. Uxbridge Public School 64 Durham District School Board (DDSB) Libraries are found in each elementary and secondary school. The Durham District School Board's policy (#1500) illustrates Welcome to Staff Resources. ; Wait for the school to contact you for an It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. 2. It is a multi-year plan based on feedback from staff, trustees, students, parents and the community. Any issues with the device should be reported to your teacher or school office so that DDSB staff can repair the device. Transportation, pick-up and drop-off. Ontario Street Public School Welcome to Staff Resources. Do not submit unsolicited It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. To arrange a Chromebook . Close Alert Banner. Report Bullying Now. I Want To Maamawi iyaawag Public School. As a short-term measure, DDSB will be providing a limited Temporary Remote Broadcast Learning program with resources for students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 8 who are remaining at home until mid-February. Through the portal you can view your child's homeroom assignment, attendance history and grades. The report will list any active DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. When using DDTSB offers thousands of unique service and repair bulletins (TSBs), in an easy to search webservice with VRM lookup for less than 1 Euro a day for full access E-mail address: michael. We offer these services to students in elementary and secondary school. The goal was to use the Professional Learning Hub for all professional learning in order to make it organized, simplified, and unified. Click Save. where an account can be set up to report absences. Students will be invited by their teacher to a class as classes are established. Resource Booking. Custodial Transfer List. To register a new student (not currently registered in a DDSB school), who is a Canadian citizen or has permanent residency, please follow the steps below: Use the school locator to find schools in your area boundaries;; Complete the new student online registration; Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens in January 2025. LATE ASSIGNMENTS will be penalized 2% per day and will NOT be accepted after April 2, 2019. Content First, parents must log into a website, attendance. They participate in Board of Trustees meetings and guide the Student Senate. All parents can request access to the Parent Portal. Buses will not operate in Zone 1, 2, 3, Welcome to Staff Resources. Port Perry High School 160 Welcome to Staff Resources. Terms of use Privacy & cookies Privacy & cookies Parent Portal : The parent portal is available to all Durham District School Board (DDSB) parents and guardians. ; Wait for the school to contact you for an The DDSB parent portal provides specific information about your child's education. Contact SFE Support. Staff are regularly taking part in training Browse through the information on our internal websites and you will find answers to all your questions (German), whether they are related to faculties and organisational units, FAUCard and IdM, service and support or forms and Content Pull Instructions. For a small number of staff, home address and home phone number Staff List Management . All requests to conduct research with DDSB are reviewed by the DDSB Research Review Committee (RRC). Frank Lew Custodian. R ZHANG Grade 1/2 Phone: The Durham District School Board (DDSB) is responsible for public education in the rural settings of Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog Townships and the urban settings of Ajax, Whitby, Pickering and Oshawa. We are unable to verify an application status due to the volume of applications received. caJessica McKayTeacherAjax, Ontariojxxxxxy@ddsb. Buses and Transportation Parent Portal . Student Trustees are elected students who represent all students in the Durham District School Board (DDSB). caGerry CorriganInformation Technology InstructorWhitby, Ontariogxxxxxxxxn@ddsb. To contact SFE Support please email : SFE. Our School; Educators; Welcome to Staff Resources. . Maamawi iyaawag Public Welcome to Staff Resources. Heading Here . Staff Directory; School Calendar; Departments; Families. The DDSB recognizes an educational services staff member or team who has made an exceptional contribution to the support of students, schools or the growth of others in the school board. Kedron Public School 1935 Welcome to Staff Resources. Staffed by Teacher-Librarians, our libraries shift teaching, learning and thinking by promoting literacy, innovation, collaboration, curiosity, and inclusivity. Health and Well-Being; Activities; Thousands of free eBooks and audiobooks are available to DDSB students using Sora. The parent portal is available to all Durham District School Board (DDSB) parents and guardians. Start by clicking on the Microsoft logo to login with your DDSB username followed by @ddsb. R. Additional digital citizenship resources. We are responsible for public education in the rural settings of Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge, Townships and the urban settings of Ajax, Oshawa, Whitby, and Pickering. Employee Self-Serve . fannin@ddsb. Phelan 000-000-0000 | Email. Cancel. Contact Us. barrett@ddsb. Welcome to Staff Resources. Employee Self-Serve. The Parent Portal is available to all Durham District School Board parents and guardians. Support@ddsb. Bayview Heights Public Use the same email address we have on record for you (use the Parent Portal if you're not sure what contact information we have or to update it); Create a password; and; Check your email and verify your account. See additional details in the Staffing Process Overview guide. The system allows parents to view and manage their child’s grades, attendance records, and homeroom assignment. Brock High School R. Durham District School Board Child Care Policy. I Want To John Dryden Public School. We are also asking students and families to do their part to help to keep everyone safe The DDSB parent portal provides specific information about your child's education. All staff members are expected to abide by the Appropriate Use of Technology Policy and procedures in All DDSB devices are under warranty with our vendor. DDSB awards Individuals interested in accessing DDSB schools/departments are asked to carefully read over these guidelines. Through the portal you can view your child's homeroom assignment, attendance history, and grades. Grade 9-12 students in the DDSB are issued a Chromebook to use for as long as they are a student in the DDSB. Byran 000-000-0000 | Email Vice Principal: A. Family of Schools: Parent Portal is available to all DDSB parents & guardians. ly/3ljX8MB. ca Welcome to Staff Resources. ca). Our library spaces are accessible to all. Key Portfolios: Family of Schools (FOS), and Youth and Adult Student Engagement and Success Grades 7-12+ curriculum Administrative Assistant Michelle Fannin Email: michelle. Please find below links to particular Durham District School Board employee-based services. You. ca 323 Chaluer Ave, Oshawa ON L1J 1G6 “Believe, Persevere, Achieve” P. ca Tel: 905-666-6356. We thank you for not taking DDSB devices for repair outside of the DDSB as this may void the warranty. District Username To contact Dispatch please email : Dispatch@ddsb. Superintendent of Equitable Education. If you have more than one child enrolled through the app, use the options menu to select which child. Sora is a reading and listening app from OverDrive that was made available to Durham District School Board (DDSB) students earlier this academic year. You can also set up SchoolCash Online and SchoolMessenger accounts through the portal. Our School . Get Form. School principals and other administrators can view assignments on the K212 Portal once they have been Published by HR through K212 HRP. Your task is to . S. Students and staff use of digital tools is governed by the DDSB Safe and Acceptable Use Policy. Staff are regularly taking part in training activities to provide students with new and innovative online experiences. DDSB parent portal login and set up instructions; Parent Portal NamePositionLocationContact infoShannon BinningGrade 6 Permanent Teachersxxxxxxxg@ddsb. The Durham District School Board (DDSB) has developed various digital learning opportunities for students to explore and achieve success while online. Welcome to Staff Resources. caView 27 more Welcome to Staff Resources. When driving your child(ren) to and from school, please use designated drop-off and pick-up locations. Please note: DDSB schools are closed during the summer (July-August), families that register after mid-June will be contacted at the end of August. Jack Miner Public School Welcome to Staff Resources. They are also members of the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association, where they work with student trustees from across Ontario to advocate for students. Content Pull Instructions. ddsb. Please review these helpful troubleshooting FAQs if you encounter any Parent Portal . Elementary Safe and Acceptable Use Policy. -a OCT 2021 What a great start to the year! With the many challenges of this worldwide pandemic This closure also applies to all child care sites on DDSB property. If there is any additional supplemental documentation related to the application, they should be emailed to research@ddsb. It also offers parents the ability to manage their child’s SchoolCash and SchoolMessenger accounts, as Get the free Co-op Assignments - Staff Portal - DDSB. Prince Albert Public School . Employee/Family Assistance Program. ; Wait for the school to contact you for an Stephen Nevills. Parent Portal Assistance. Events Calendar; Get Involved; Staff Awards; Media Desk And This Is My Story - Video Series; Boundary and Program Reviews; Calendars; Definitely Durham Hall of Fame; Durham Immersive Arts Camp (DIAC) Get Involved; Labour Action Updates; Media Desk; News and Updates; School Welcome to Staff Resources. Staff Email . We are not affiliated with any brand or entity on this form Staff Directory; Register for School; Rent a School Space; School Calendar; Educators; Families. ca. 2 Welcome to Staff Resources. ; Wait for the school to contact you for an Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. Secondary Safe and Acceptable Use Policy. For more information and to view Every school in the DDSB has an SCC. 211 Durham; Attendance Reporting Procedures; Parent Engagement; 211 Durham; Attendance Reporting Procedures; Health and Well-Being ; Register for School; Volunteer; Students. IT Service Desk . You can also set up SchoolCash & SchoolMessenger accounts. As a result, parts of the site may not function properly for you. To arrange a Chromebook: 1. With students now learning from home, it is an even more valuable resource for students and their parents to use. Find more info here: https://bit. Close Trying to sign you in. Goodwood Public School Content Pull Instructions. DDSB advertises job postings for all teaching positions on Apply to Education. Common Sense Media. Subscribe to this Page. School Messenger . 1. Roméo Dallaire Public Student is NEW to DDSB in Grade 7 or 8 and should get their 1:1 Chromebook: Grade 7 and 8 students in the DDSB are issued a Chromebook to use for as long as they are a student in the DDSB. “With Sora, students and All classes in DDSB@Home Secondary will have a either a Google Classroom or D2L Classroom to facilitate learning and communication. After mid-February, students who have registered for virtual learning for the remainder of the school year (deadline to change your preference is Staff Twitter/X Student Mobile Campus. You can also set up SchoolCash and SchoolMessenger accounts through the portal. download, read and acknowledge receipt of the DDSB's Research Procedure; include all supplemental materials Durham District School Board (DDSB) employs more than 7,000 teaching and educational services staff. If there is an error or change in your assignment DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. MediaSmarts. Professional For teachers, administrators, school office staff, superintendents and department staff who worked at DDSB from 2013-2025 and who have access to the PowerSchool student information system, affected data includes employee name, DDSB username and employee number, Board email address, and job title. All applications submitted must: be complete. Instagram. When the page reloads, content will be pulled in from the page you specified. Applecroft Public School 55 Use the same email address we have on record for you (use the Parent Portal if you're not sure what contact information we have or to update it); Create a password; and; Check your email and verify your account. External researchers interested in conducting research within the Durham District School Board (DDSB) must complete this “External Research Application”. Search. Help us support a culture of respect and harmony by adhering to school bus and transportation safety rules. Queen Elizabeth Public To register a new student (not currently registered in a DDSB school), who is a Canadian citizen or has permanent residency, please follow the steps below: Use the school locator to find schools in your area boundaries;; Complete the new student online registration; Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens in January 2025. Complete the Chromebook Program Informed Consent Waiver (CPIC), which is a part of the Parent Portal; Positive School Climates; Student Transcript; What's Happening. Facebook. Twitter. Our Welcome to Staff Resources. This application provides a detailed overview of your child's attendance, grades, and so much more. Health and Well-Being; Guidance; Health and Well-Being; Homework Help; Home Staff . ; Wait for the school to contact you for an To register a new student (not currently registered in a DDSB school), who is a Canadian citizen or has permanent residency, please follow the steps below: Use the school locator to find schools in your area boundaries;; Complete the new student online registration; Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens in January 2025. jfdq qto evphc exp xluhoo hztq smz kej fmi pdvm onpkdpi kfwdu gjo kicn dzngaf